In every state, economic and health security programs play an important role in supporting residents with low and moderate incomes and in reducing poverty.
This dashboard provides state-by-state data by program, including the number of program participants, benefit amount, and characteristics such as age, race and ethnicity, gender, residence in non-metropolitan areas, and family work experience. Each data point is from the most reliable available source such as administrative data or Census Bureau surveys. Selected data are available for congressional districts and state legislative districts.
Poverty estimates from the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) show the number of people lifted above the poverty line by economic security programs in each state, as well as the percent of people below the poverty line before and after counting government assistance and taxes. Among other differences, the SPM counts more forms of income than the “official” poverty measure (OPM) and therefore more accurately reflects the resources available to low-income households than the OPM. The dashboard also shows the number and percentage of people below 100 percent and 200 percent of the federal poverty line using the OPM.
Timing and sources of items may differ in important ways; read more here.